Jan C. Schippers国际基础设施、水利与环境工程研究所, |
海水淡化131 (2000
3015号信箱(1),荷兰(5),2601 DA代尔夫特(3)标签
莱茵河和伊塞尔湖RO中试厂的进水经常规处理后仍含磷预处理MFI-UF的测量值分别为circa 2000和5000s/L 2。分别的MFI045(和莱茵河的SDI)…p电位,用MFI-UF和MFI045测量颗粒去除90-=100% m。相比之下,SDI给出了不同的移除结果效率的预处理步骤,例如,4 0->90% SSF。最终RO的MFI-UF经拉伸后可脱水预处理离检疫站近吗...
...对莱茵河和伊塞尔湖RO试验植物进行常规预处理后仍含有磷MFI-UFc irca值分别为2000和5000 0s/L。分别为MFI045(莱茵河流域工厂为SDI)...
莱茵河和伊塞尔湖RO中试进水经常规预处理后,MFI-UF值分别为2000和5000s/L 2,仍含有p物质。分别的MFI045(以及莱茵河流域工厂的SDI)...
...莱茵河工厂的降低,而SDI给出了更多变的结果:70_>90%。关键词”。M改性污染指数;颗粒污染;喝水治疗;预处理效率;MFI-UF 1。明确的污垢(即胶体、悬浮物、藻类或细菌)是...
莱茵河和伊塞尔湖RO中试进水经常规预处理后,MFI-UF值分别为2000和5000s/L 2,仍含有p物质。进水给水的MFI045(以及莱茵河工厂的SDI)约低400 -1400倍,因为在这些测试中没有保留较小的颗粒。F或莱茵河植物生物活性炭过滤显著去除MFI-UF测试中测量的尺寸范围内的颗粒。发现臭氧氧化去除很少或没有去除。ssf是降低颗粒污染电位最成功的预处理工艺,MFI-UF和MFI045的颗粒去除率均为90-=100%。相比之下,SDI对预处理步骤的r去除效率给出了不同的结果,例如SSF的4 0->90%。延长预处理后反渗透水的MFI-UF值接近检测限,因此污染电位很低。根据M - F - I - U - F测量,艾瑟尔湖工厂给水的污染系数是莱茵河工厂给水的2.4 -2.9倍。然而,UF显著降低了给水的污染潜力:MFIo测量约为90%。45%和80%由M FI-UF。在MFI-UF测量期间,由于试验工厂的操作问题,UF的去除效率低于预期。 High particle counts were m easured in the UF filtrate due to leakages and b acterial regrowth which resulted in the higher M FI-UF of the UF filtrate. Thus, the lower UF r emoval efficiency is not considered representat ive of normal operating conditions. A significant i ncrease in particle counts was found after acid a nd antiscalant addition to the UF filtrate (RO f eedwater). The net result of these additions was a n increase in the MFI-UF. Calculations showed t hat acid addition was responsible for this i ncrease, most likely by the introduction of s maller particles and/or by acid degradation into p articles smaller than 0.05 gin. R esults of particle counts for the feedwater to t he MFI-UF test membrane showed that initially = 40% and finally 90% of particles in the smallest c hannel range (0.05-0.10gm) of the particle c ounter were captured and thus measured in the M FI-UF test, whereas for the larger size c hannels (0.1->0.2gm) particle retention was i nitially 70% and close to 100% at the end of the e xperiment, I n conclusion, the MFI-UF was found to be a p romising tool for measuring the particulate f ouling potential of a feedwater. Moreover, it can b e used alone or in combination with the MFI0.45 o r MFI0.05 to compare the efficiency of various p retreatment processes for the removal of s elected particle sizes. Future work focuses on p redicting flux decline in the MFI-UF test for m embrane filtration systems.
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